Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Public input sought on revitalization plan for N. Charleston neighborhoods

Tuesday, 27 October 2009
Staff Report

NORTH CHARLESTON -- The Lowcountry Alliance for Model Communities is hosting a public meeting next week to gather input on the strategic plan for seven neighborhoods in Charleston’s Neck area that neighbor the S.C. State Ports Authority’s new terminal.

The open house is from 10 a.m. to noon Nov. 7 at Military Magnet Academy, 2950 Carner Ave. in the Chicora-Cherokee neighborhood.

The S.C. State Ports Authority is funding the revitalization study.

The plan identifies a number of strategies and goals for economic development, housing, community facilities and land use. Issues of concern include affordable housing, improvement of neighborhood appearance, increased parks and green space, preservation of existing neighborhoods, redevelopment of vacant and dilapidated properties and identification of traffic and transportation improvements.

Attendees at the meeting will receive information regarding the plan and will have an opportunity to make written or verbal comments. Displays highlighting the plan will be set up in the school auditorium, and project team members and North Charleston city employees will be available to answer questions.

The Lowcountry Alliance for Model Communities has been working with the city for the past eight months to create a unified community vision and implement a strategy for long-term growth and equitable development in the Liberty Hill, Accabee, Union Heights, Howard Heights, Windsor, Five Mile and Chicora-Cherokee neighborhoods.

“Neighborhoods deserve to participate as partners with policymakers, service providers, regulatory agencies, industry and developers to improve the community,” said Coakley Hilton, president of the alliance. “The LAMC revitalization plan gave us an opportunity to do that. How we act on that opportunity is up to us.”

More than 25 organizations and business leaders were interviewed to gain perspectives about the future of the neighborhoods involved. A series of public community visioning workshops involving hands-on exercises and discussions also took place.

For more information, contact Wannetta Mallette at 843-740-5835.

Published Oct. 27, 2009
Reprinted from http://www.scbizmag.com/content/view/135232/1/

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