Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Governor Sanford Welcomes Boeing to South Carolina


Columbia, S.C. - October 28, 2009 - Gov. Mark Sanford today issued the following statement on Boeing Company’s announcement of its plan to establish a second production line for the 787 Dreamliner adjacent to the company’s existing facilities in North Charleston.

"Boeing's decision to expand their presence in our state with an infusion of jobs and capital investment - the largest announcement in South Carolina history - represents not only enormously good news for our state’s economy, but also a telling dividend from our state's continued efforts to better our business climate. For us, that means lowering taxes, easing regulatory burdens in our state’s tort and workers’ compensation systems, and keeping South Carolina a right-to-work state," Gov. Sanford said. "I'd first and foremost applaud the hardworking Boeing employees already in the Lowcountry for both their day-to-day efforts and their confidence in Boeing’s management, and in the same way I'd thank Boeing - and in particular Chairman Jim McNerney - for returning that vote of confidence in our state.

"Just as the similarly monumental BMW investment catalyzed a now extensive automotive presence across South Carolina more than 15 years ago, we believe Boeing landing decisively in North Charleston will spur on an already growing aerospace hub in our state. Also just like BMW, Roche, or the Global Aeronautica investment that led to Boeing’s foothold in South Carolina only four years ago, this project required a team effort from dedicated leaders in both the private and public sectors. Accordingly, I'd single out a few heroes in this process:

"First, I’d offer our and the state’s appreciation to Commerce Secretary Joe Taylor and Senator Hugh Leatherman, who worked side-by-side on this matter, and whose work was complemented by Jack Ellenburg and Daniel Young. Legislative leadership was similarly vital - and decisive - in Boeing’s commitment to South Carolina, and accordingly, I’d especially credit Senate President Pro Tempore Glenn McConnell and Speaker Bobby Harrell, along with Senator Leatherman, for the legislative yeoman’s work they’ve done. I would also thank people at the local level like David Ginn, Steve Dykes and Heyward Horton. Lastly, but certainly not least, I’d give real credit to U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham for his invaluable efforts along the way. With all that said, we look forward to welcoming the Boeing team to South Carolina."


--Benjamin D. Fox

Communications Director

Office of Gov. Mark Sanford

(803) 734.0076 - work

(803) 269.7959 - mobile

(803) 734.5167 - fax

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