Thursday, October 22, 2009

City of Charleston Comprehensive Plan Survey

I received this yesterday from the City of Charleston, what a great way to have your voice heard as the City works on its comprehensive plan.

Take a few minute and tell them what you think!

The City of Charleston invites anyone who lives, works, or frequents the City to take a few minutes to respond to a quick on-line survey to help plan Charleston's future.

The Department of Planning, Preservation, and Sustainability is updating our City's comprehensive plan (the backbone of all City plans), and we need as much input as possible from people around the City. Please share this link with friends, coworkers, email lists, neighbors, or anyone who cares about Charleston's future:

PP&S developed the online survey for residents of the Charleston area as part of the public input gathering process for the City's comprehensive plan update. In conjunction with public meetings held in the last couple of weeks, the on-line survey is another way of allowing the public to comment on the City's current planning efforts and future direction. The survey takes only 5 minutes to complete and will be available online from now through early November.

Thank you!
Christopher Morgan
Director, Planning and Neighborhoods Division
Department of Planning, Preservation, and Sustainability
City of Charleston
75 Calhoun Street
Charleston, SC 29401
(843) 724-3774

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