Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Poll shows voters opposed to Point of Sale tax

Columbia, S.C. – Ohio based company, Fallon Research and Communications, recently surveyed SC registered voters about the Point of Sale tax. The findings concluded that 70% of respondents are opposed to the current law. "The point of sale tax is opposed by an overwhelming majority of voters. There is little doubt about opposition to it,” said Paul Fallon, President of Fallon Research & Communications, an Ohio-based research firm. The survey was released by SC Realtors (SCR) as a part of the statewide STOP THE UNFAIR TAX campaign.

Forty two percent of respondents agree that improving the economy and attracting jobs should be top priority for our state leaders. "Voters see the point of sale tax as a flawed policy for a number of reasons, particularly in the context of a tough economy. Given the current voter emphasis on jobs, and the fact that this policy has hurt the local economy, it not surprising that a majority (53 percent) of respondents think this is convincing enough to eliminate the current point of sale tax,” added Fallon.

"A large majority of South Carolina's voters believe that the point of sale tax is unfair and that it is hurting our economy," said SCR CEO, Nick Kremydas. "Voters get it. They understand that the current point of sale tax is flawed. Because of the unfair point of sale tax, some companies have said they will not relocate or open new businesses in our state. In a tough economy, the last thing we need are taxes that eliminate jobs and prevent new businesses from opening in South Carolina.”

In a separate survey question, 53 percent of respondents believe the point of sale tax is unfair because it results in different tax rates for identical homes in the same neighborhood.

"Some people argue that this tax is needed and that it helps local governments. In fact, the point of sale tax is hurting the real estate market because it allows local governments to dramatically increase property taxes on homes, land and businesses when they are sold," Kremydas stated. “And clearly, a majority of voters are not comfortable with local governments spending funds collected from the tax any way they want.”

"This poll suggests that voters will have little tolerance for taxes and policies that have a direct financial consequence for them," said Paul Fallon. "The results leave no question that voters think the point of sale policy is a flawed one, especially with its potential to hurt the economy."

For a copy of the Fallon key findings memo, and to learn more about the STOP THE UNFAIR TAX campaign, visit


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South Carolina Realtors is the premiere source for real estate trends and property information in the Palmetto State. With more than 17,000 members across the state, Realtors are working to improve the quality of life in South Carolina. REALTOR® is a registered trademark that identifies a professional in real estate who subscribes to a strict code of ethics as a member of SCR and the National Association of REALTORS®.

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