Saturday, November 14, 2009

Should I Sell My House Now?

Do Market Opportunities and a New $6,500 Tax Credit Make it a Good Time To Sell?

A new revision to the recently extended Homeowner's Tax Credit may be a window of opportunity for some home owners who have been wanting to sell their home, whether to move up or to downsize, but have adopted a "hunkering down" mentality.

The new tax credit is for current homeowners: if you have owned and resided in your home for at least 5 consecutive years out of the past 8 years, you can qualify for up to a $6500 tax credit.

If you combine this new tax credit with historically low interest rates and great values in the market place, it might be a really opportune time to make your move. However, this tax credit is only for a limited time and waiting too long may cause you to miss out on market opportunities that could benefit you. Each person's situation is different. I will be happy to provide a no-obligation consultation to discuss your home's current value as well as the prices of homes in your target range and explain in more detail the stipulations on the tax credit. Don't look back and wish you had sold your home instead of waiting. There's no obligation to explore your options. Call me to schedule a meeting today.

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